"Now when folks submit their operatic ideas to this competition they are promised that the winning operas will be developed and produced—“with minimal production elements in a black-box theater”.  But here, on the stage of the attractive new Kirkwood Performing Arts Center, we are treated to quite a lavish production!  What looks at first like a stylized city sky-line becomes all things to all people!  In the hands of scenic designer Kim Powers and video designer David Murakami, with able assists from lighting designer John Alexander, the set becomes a church (outside and inside), a comfortable home at Thanksgiving dinner, a hospital, a living room, a school, a Dallas town-house, a Houston home, a hotel ballroom in mid-convention, and the vividly colored swirling sensory world of a child who is “wired differently”.  All these transitions are swift and fluid and beautiful.  I have never been a big fan of electronic scenery, but this work, using scores of LED video panels, has made me a believer.  Our entry into the child’s synesthetic world would have been quite impossible without that video support." - Broadway World

Directed by Kimille Howard
Scenic Design by Kimberly Powers
Light Design by John D. Alexander
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